Psalm 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.’” As an act of obedience to this scriptural call, we will soon publish a booklet entitled 52 Prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem. This booklet will provide believers with a specific prayer they can pray each week of the year for the peace of Jerusalem.
Here is a sample of six prayers of intercession you will find in the booklet:
A prayer for harvest workers in the Middle East
Lord of the harvest, we thank You for Your faithfulness to Your promises (Psalm 145:13). We praise You for the harvest and how plentiful it is (Matthew 9:38). We thank You for the missionaries, pastors, and disciples who are serving in Israel and the surrounding nations. We also beseech You with urgency, Lord, to raise up more workers—solid, godly, called, and Spirit-led disciples—to be sent into the fields in the Middle East, which are often dangerous and resistant to the gospel. Lord, use Your servants to spread the truth and love of Your Son throughout the region and give the people of the Middle East eyes to see and ears to hear Your voice, so they might come to a saving faith in Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah of Israel.
A prayer for terror groups to repent and be transformed by the love of Jesus
Father, we know all things are possible with You (Matthew 19:26). We know You can take the most hardened heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). Lord, we ask You to transform the hearts of terrorist group members in the Middle East. Bring missionaries, pastors, and believers in their path who will share the gospel with them. Convict them through the Holy Spirit to repent from their hatred. Transform them by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). Wash away the propaganda embedded in their souls and replace it with the peace of our Messiah. Turn them into peacemakers so they may be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9). We await the day when we see the promise of Isaiah 2:4 come to pass: “And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.” Until that day, please transform the hearts of individual terrorists by the love of Yeshua. In His name we pray. Amen.
A prayer for the poor and vulnerable in the Middle East
Father, we pray for the poor and the vulnerable in the Middle East. Please burden our hearts for them and give us opportunities to care for these people (Proverbs 22:9). We know You “maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor” (Psalm 140:12). Encourage, provide for, and protect the poor and vulnerable in the Middle East. Do not forget them and maintain their hope (Psalm 9:18). In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
A prayer for the safety of the unborn in the Middle East
Lord God, we ask for Your protection of the unborn throughout the Middle East. Do not let terrorism or abortion destroy any of these lives; rather, may their families and communities see these children as blessings (Psalm 127:3). May the people of the Middle East prioritize protecting these unborn children, the most vulnerable among them (Proverbs 31:8–9). Give mothers facing unplanned pregnancies comfort, courage, and every form of support they need to have their babies. Give fathers fiercely protective love for these children. Finally, we ask for all of them to experience the safety only found by accepting Yeshua as Lord. It is in His Name we pray. Amen.
A prayer against demonic influences in the Middle East
Our God and Father, You are over all. No being can threaten Your promises and Your will. We lament the work of demonic forces who seek to deceive people in the Middle East. They wish to keep those You created and love from coming to You. We, however, trust You and call on You to break through every spiritual stronghold in the Middle East. May Your Spirit move in the region, bringing people from all walks of life to faith in Your Messiah Jesus. Forgive us when we focus on tension with human beings at the expense of focusing on our battle “against the spiritual forces of wickedness” (Ephesians 6:12). We know You will ultimately be victorious over the enemy and death (Revelation 20:10).
A prayer for the dignity and wellbeing of Palestinians
Almighty God, although we are unworthy of Your forgiveness, You sent Your Son into the world to restore us. We ask You to grant Jewish people and Palestinians the awareness of the dignity You have bestowed upon Your creation through Messiah. We ask for the dignity and wellbeing of all who live in the Middle East, since all people are made in Your image (Genesis 1:27). We specifically lift up Palestinians, since some are dwelling in undignified living conditions. Most importantly, we ask You to grant them the knowledge that they are sinners, as we all are, and they are the objects of the same undeserved love You poured out in Messiah Jesus: “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:17). Amen.
You can also read our article, “Five Prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem.”